Sugar, green chili, salt, water, flavor enhancer, lemon juice, natural color
User manual
Dipping seafood dishes, grilled or boiled meat
Product introduction
Green Chili Salt 250gr is considered by consumers to be the most delicious product on the market today. The reason the product achieves such quality is also thanks to quality input materials. carefully selected, using completely natural ingredients: such as succulent lemons, chili peppers that are just old enough but not yet turned red for a characteristic spicy and fragrant taste…

Green chili salt product 250gr is often used with grilled dishes, boiled dishes, seafood dishes,… due to the impact of the sour taste of lemon and spicy taste of green chili, which helps users increase appetite and stimulate taste buds, making the dish many times more delicious. Not to mention the green chili salt product uses 100% fresh lemon and fresh chili, no chemicals are used to replace these two sour and spicy flavors, so customers can use our products with peace of mind!!!!!
Processing services at Hoa Sen Foods
Hoa Sen Foods spice processing company operates with the principle of providing processed products at the best prices.
At Hoa Sen Foods, we carry out all processing steps to create the most satisfactory product for your business:
- Food consulting.
- Spice research.
- Production processing.
- Packing.